Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Entergy at Go Green Expo

When I approached the Hilton for the NY Go Green Expo on Saturday, a line of pretty green and white pedicabs were lined up outside. I wasn't very happy when I read the small print. "New York Runs on Our Positive Energy", "nogreenhouse.com", "Indian Point Energy Center Entergy, We're Right for New York". According to Remy, he called Bicytaxi Monday to find out what that was all about. They told him they got so much flack from other pedicab operators for endorsing Indian Point, they had to discontinue the ad campaign.

From: Allegra Dengler
via: [IPSEC1]


Robert said...

I wish there were more BicyTaxis in NYC, the city needs more of those.

MrRevolution said...

The city needs more accountable, well-designed manpowered pedicabs - not motorized mobile advertising boards such as "BicyTaxis".